TB 9-6625-1995-35
CONTRAST control for suitable viewing.
Delayed triggering LEVEL control to RUNS AFTER DELAY TIME.
Press delayed triggering SLOPE pushbutton to +.
Press delayed triggering COUPLING pushbutton to AC.
Press delayed triggering SOURCE pushbutton to INT.
(2) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to vertical
amplifier CH 1.
(3) Set oscilloscope calibrator MARKER output for 1 mS/D.
(4) Adjust oscilloscope INTENSITY and FOCUS controls for suitable viewing.
(5) Adjust MAIN TRIGGERING LEVEL control for a stable display and set
vertical amplifier controls for approximately 2 divisions of display positioned in the center
graticule area.
(6) Adjust POSITION control to aline 2d time marker with 2d vertical graticule
line on oscilloscope.
(7) Adjust SWP CAL control (front panel) for 1 time marker per division over the
center 8 divisions.
(8) Set TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME and DLY'D time/division switches to 2 ns
(9) Set oscilloscope calibrator MARKER output for 2 nS/D.
(10) Adjust POSITION control to aline 2d time marker with 2d vertical graticule
line. Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton to align
10th marker with 10th vertical graticule line. If oscilloscope calibrator err display readout
does not indicate within 4%, perform b below.
(11) Set TIME/DlV OR DLY TIME and DLY'D time/division switches to 5 ns
(12) Set oscilloscope calibrator MARKER output for 5 nS/D.
(13) Adjust POSITION control to aline 2d time marker with 2d vertical graticule
line. Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton to align
10th marker with 10th vertical graticule line. If oscilloscope calibrator err display readout
does not indicate within 3%, perform b below.
(14) Set TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME and DLY'D time/division switches to 10 ns
(15) Set oscilloscope calibrator MARKER output for 10 nS/D. Adjust vertical
amplifier POSITION control to display both the delaying and delayed sweeps on
(16) Adjust POSITION control to aline 2d time marker with 2d vertical graticule
line. Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton to align
10th marker with 10th vertical graticule line. If oscilloscope calibrator err display readout
does not indicate within 3%, perform b below.