TB 9-6625-1995-35
(7) Adjust vertical amplifier CH 1 POSITION control to vertically center the signal
(8) Adjust R75, R99, and R175 (fig. 1) to midrange.
(9) Adjust delayed triggering LEVEL control to 0.
(10) Connect digital multimeter HI to P204 (fig. 1), pin 4, and LO to chassis ground.
Adjust R254 (fig. 1) for a 0.0 V dc digital multimeter indication. Disconnect digital
(11) Adjust MAIN TRIGGERING LEVEL control to 0.
(12) Adjust R75 (fig. 1) for a sweep trigger point at graticule centerline (TRIG'D
light on).
Figure 1. Triggering adjustments, SN
B070000 and above -
right side view.
(13) Adjust R175 (fig. 1) so the main sweep untriggers between 0.3 and 0.1 division
from bottom of waveform as MAIN TRIGGERING LEVEL control is rotated through
negative (-) portion of its range.
(14) Adjust MAIN TRIGGERING LEVEL control to 0 and press MAIN
(15) Adjust R99 (fig. 1) for a sweep trigger point at graticule centerline (TRIG'D
light on).
(16) Press MAIN TRIGGERING SOURCE INT pushbutton.
Perform (17) through (20) below only for A8 main trigger
boards, SN B099985 & above.