TB 9-6625-2050-24
(8) Wait for TI digital readout to stabilize. If TI does not indicate between +00.2
and -00.2 W, perform b below.
(9) Set RANGE HOLD pushbutton to off (out).
(10) Repeat technique of (6) through (9) above at TI and range calibrator switch
positions listed in table 5. If TI does not indicate within limits specified, perform b below.
Table 5. Zero Carryover Autorange (Models 436A and 436AOPT9/22)
Range calibrator
switch settings and TI
Test instrument indications
meter RANGE indications
b. Adjustments
(1) Set range calibrator RANGE switch to 100 mW and FUNCTION switch to
CALIBRATE. Verify that TI autoranges to 100 mW range, then set the RANGE HOLD
pushbutton to on (in).
(2) Set range calibrator FUNCTION switch to STANDBY.
(3) Adjust DC OFF potentiometer A3R2 (fig. 1) for a digital readout of 00.0 with a
blinking minus sign (R).
Figure 1. Models 436A and 436AOPT9/22 - adjustment locations.