TB 9-6625-2050-24
(4) Set RANGE HOLD pushbutton to off (out).
(5) Verify that TI autoranges to 10 W range.
(6) Press and hold SENSOR ZERO pushbutton and adjust ZERO OFF
potentiometer A3R47 (fig. 1) until digital readout indicates 0.00 with blinking minus sign (R).
Do not perform (7) through (11) below unless indication in (6)
above could not be obtained.
(7) Set range calibrator FUNCTION switch to CALIBRATE and RANGE switch
to 100 W.
(8) Adjust TI front-panel CAL ADJ control until digital readout indicates 100 W.
(9) Press and hold SENSOR ZERO pushbutton and adjust BAL potentiometer
A3R65 (fig. 1) until display readout indicates 60.0 W (R).
(10) Set range calibrator FUNCTION switch to STANDBY. Press SENSOR ZERO
pushbutton and wait for digital readout to stabilize.
(11) Press SENSOR ZERO pushbutton and wait for display readout to stabilize.
Release SENSOR ZERO pushbutton and wait for ZERO light to extinguish.
10. Instrument Accuracy (Models 435A, 435B, 435BOPT001, and 435BE21)
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect range calibrator to TI POWER SENSOR input, using cable supplied
with TI.
(2) Connect multimeter to RECORDER OUTPUT (rear panel).
(3) Set range calibrator switches as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) RANGE to 1 mW.
(4) Set TI RANGE switch to 1 mW.
(5) Adjust TI (front panel) CAL ADJ for a 1000 2 mV dc indication on multimeter.
Verify that TI meter indication is between 0.99 and 1.01; if not, perform b (1) below.
(6) Set TI and range calibrator RANGE switches to 3 W. If multimeter does not
indicate between 975 and 1,025 mV dc, perform b (2) through (20) below.
(7) Set TI and range calibrator RANGE switch to positions listed in table 6. TI and