TB 9-6625-2055-24
Leave oscilloscope calibrator connected as in (1) above until
directed to remove.
(2) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 1 ms MARKER output and vertical amplifier for
a convenient displays centered vertically on oscilloscope.
(3) Adjust SWP CAL (front panel) for one time marker per division over center 8
divisions of oscilloscope graticule. If necessary, adjust POSITION controls to align time
markers with graticule lines.
(5) Press and release MAG pushbutton to out (X10) position. Adjust POSITION
controls to align one time marker per division over center 8 divisions of oscilloscope display.
If oscilloscope does not display 1 time marker per division over center 8 divisions, perform b
(1) below.
(7) Adjust POSITION controls to align center time marker with center graticule
line and press MAG pushbutton to in (X1) position. If center time marker is not within 0.5
division of center graticule line, perform b (2) below.
(8) Press and release MAG pushbutton to out (X10) position and adjust POSITION
controls to align center time marker with center graticule line. Press MAG pushbutton to
in (X1). If center time marker is not within 0.5 division of center graticule line, perform b
(3) below.
(9) Press MAG pushbutton to in (X1) position.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R430 MAG GAIN (fig. 1) for 1 time marker per division over center 8
divisions of oscilloscope display (R).
(2) Adjust R445 MAG REG (fig. 1) to align center time marker with center
graticule line (R).
(3) If necessary, readjust R445 MAG REG (fig. 1) for best compromise to align
center time marker with graticule line in both X1 and X10 positions.
9. Sweep Timing and Magnified Sweep Timing
a. Performance Check
(1) Set TI TIME/DIV switch to 50 ns and TRIGGERING MODE NORM
pushbutton pressed.
(3) Adjust TRIGGERING LEVEL control for stable oscilloscope display and
POSITION control to align second time marker with second vertical graticule line.