TB 9-6625-2055-24
TIME control fully ccw and do not disturb for remainder of check.
(4) Adjust
Adjust DELAY TIME control to start intensified portion approximately 1 division from
start of oscilloscope upper trace. It may be necessary to adjust TRACE SEP control to
separate the two traces.
(5) Further adjust DELAY TIME control to position time markers on traces to
center graticule line. If time markers of both first and second delayed-sweep traces are not
horizontally aligned within 0.1 division, perform b (1) below.
(6) Adjust DELAY TIME control to start intensified portion approximately 8
divisions from start of trace. Further adjust DELAY TIME control to position time
markers on traces near center graticule line. If markers of both traces are not horizontally
aligned within 0.1 division, perform b (2) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R555 DELAY OFFSET (fig. 1) to horizontally align time markers of first
and second delayed-sweep traces (R).
(2) Adjust R510 DELAY GAIN (fig. 1) to horizontally align time markers of
both traces (R).
Due to interaction, repeat a (4) through (6) above for best
11. Scaling and DVM Zero and Gain (SN B088749 and Below)
a. Performance Check
(1) Adjust DELAY TIME control fully ccw, TRACE SEP control ccw out of detent
position and adjust TIME control for a time indication of 8.000 ms on oscilloscope.
(2) Set TI TIME/DIV switch to 2 ms. Oscilloscope
time indication should be
16.02 ms. Note difference in indication from 16.02 ms.
(3) Set TI TIME/DIV switch to 1 ms and adjust R605 (1) SCALING (fig. 1) for a
ime indication of 8.000 ms plus one-half the difference in the indication noted in (2) above.
If indication in (2) above was 16.21 ms, the difference would be (16.21-16.02) = 0.19 ms.
Adjust R605 for a time indication of (8.00 ms +0.5 (0.19 ms)) = 8.095 ms.
(4) Due to interaction, repeat (1) through (3) above as necessary.
(5) Set TI TIME/DIV switch to 5 ms.
time indication will be
between 39.97 and 40.07 ms.
(6) Set TI TIME/DIV switch to 1 ms and set
TIME control fully ccw.
(7) Set oscilloscope calibrator MARKER output to 1 ms.
(8) Adjust DELAY TIME control to position intensified portions near second
graticule line so that time markers in delay sweep display are positioned on center graticule