TB 9-6625-2055-24
TIME control cannot be adjusted for exactly 2 divisions
between delayed-sweep time markers, note actual time
separation displayed. Then, follow the procedure outlined in
(3) above and adjust R625 until A time indication corresponds
to actual time separation displayed between delayed-sweep
time markers.
EXAMPLE: A 2.2 division time delay corresponds to a 0.022 rms time indication.
Adjust R625 for a time indication of 0.021 ms. Then adjust R625 until time indication just changes
to C4022 rms.
(4) Adjust
time indication should read
0.000 ms and horizontal alignment of delayed sweep time markers should be within
0.1 division.
(5) Adjust DELAY TIME control to start first intensified portion on second time
TIME control to start second intensified portion on 10th time marker.
marker and
TIME control to horizontally align delayed sweep traces (it may be
Further adjust
necessary to adjust TRACE SEP control to view the two delayed-sweep traces).
If TIME control cannot be adjusted to obtain eight divisions
between intensified portions, preset R535 SECOND PICK OFF
(6) If necessary adjust R620 DVM GAIN (fig. 1) until
time indication is 8.000 ms.
b. Adjustments. No further adjustments can be made.
13. Delay Start and Second Pickoff Bias
a. Performance Check
(1) Adjust TRACE SEP control to OFF and position both traces horizontally to
start on oscilloscope first graticule line.
(2) Adjust DELAY TIME control for a delay-time indication of 0.950 ms. If a
delayed-sweep time marker (lower trace) is not positioned on center graticule line within 1
division, perform b (1) below.
(3) Adjust TRACE SEP control ccw, just out of detent. Adjust DELAY TIME
control fully ccw and TIME control fully cw. If oscilloscope does not indicate between
9.100 and 9.300 ms, perform b (2) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R305 DELAY START (fig. 1) to position delayed time marker to
oscilloscope center graticule line (R).
(2) Adjust R535 SECOND PICK OFF BIAS (fig. 1) until oscilloscope indicates
9.200 ms (R).