TB 9-6625-2071-35
(2) FREQ RESOLUTION, N switch to 1Hz, 106.
(3) SAMPLE RATE control fully ccw.
(4) LEVEL A and LEVEL B controls to PRESET.
(5) CHANNEL A and B DC/AC switches to DC.
(6) CHANNEL A and B ATTEN switches to X1.
(7) CHANNEL A and B SLOPE switches to +.
(8) COM A/SEP switch to SEP.
(9) 1M/50Ω switch to 1M (option 041).
(10) ARM switch (rear panel) to OFF.
(11) OSC switch (rear panel) to INT (5328A).
(12) CHANNEL A and B rear inputs terminated with 50Ω loads supplied with TI
(option H60).
8. Time
Base Stability (Option
010, AN/USM-459, and
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect time/frequency workstation OUTPUT 1 MHz to frequency difference
meter REF INPUT.
(2) Connect TI rear panel FREQ STD OUTPUT (10MHz OUT for AN/USM-459
and 5328AF096) to frequency difference meter SIG INPUT using a 50 Ω feedthrough
459 and 5328AF096) for minimum difference indication on frequency difference meter.
Record frequency difference meter indication.
(4) After 24 hour stabilization, frequency difference meter indication will be <5
parts in 101 0 of indication recorded in (3) above. Record frequency difference
meter indication.
It may be necessary to wait 5 minutes after each voltage
meter indication remains within <5 parts in 109 of indication recorded in (4) above.
b. Adjustments. No further adjustments can be made.