TB 9-6625-2077-24
Figure 1. Test instrument adjustment and test point locations.
(4) Position controls as listed in (a) through (e) below:
(a) POWER switch to ON.
(b) MODULATION switch to CW.
(c) RF OUTPUT switch to 0 dBm.
(d) TUNING RANGE switch to 16-90 MHz (16-80 MHz).
(e) RF OUTPUT LEVEL control for 0 dB indication on TI RF OUTPUT meter.
(5) Set measuring receiver to frequency counter mode.
(6) Connect TI RF OUTPUT to measuring receiver power sensor and adjust
TUNING COARSE and FINE control for an indication of 80.00000 MHz on measuring receiver.
(7) Disconnect cable from J4 on assembly A8 (fig. 1) and adjust A3R7 (fig. 1) for an
(9) Connect audio analyzer INPUT HIGH to A3TP2 and A3TP1 (common) (fig. 1).
Do not connect to chassis ground.
(10) Set audio analyzer to measure V dc and adjust A3R6 (fig. 1) for a -1.004 V dc
indication on audio analyzer (R).