TB 9-6625-2135-35
b. Adjustments
(1) Set calibrator to STANDBY.
(2) Press TI RANGE 20 pushbutton.
(3) Set calibrator for a 19 V dc output. Adjust R602 19 VDC ADJ (fig. 2) for a
19.000 V TI indication (R).
Figure 2. Adjustment locations, model 3466A -
top view.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect calibrator OUTPUT HI and LO to TI INPUT VΩ and COM.
(2) Press TI FUNCTION kΩ and RANGE 20 Ω pushbuttons.
(3) Set calibrator for a 0Ω output and 2 wire Comp on. Adjust front panel Ω
ZERO for a zero indication on TI.