TB 9-6625-2137-24
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect 10 MHz OUTPUT on rear panel of TI to input of frequency counter.
(2) If frequency counter does not indicate between 9,999,900 and 10,000,100 Hz
(9,999,998 and 10,000,002 Hz option 004), perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Adjust TI 10 MHz reference (on 10 MHz oven assembly) located on
left rear corner) for 10,000,000 Hz (R).
a. Performance Check
Unless otherwise specified, all cables will be RG58/4 BNC plug
] pushbuttons.
(2) Press TI ENTRY [RECALL] [0] and TERMINATION [75
(3) Set attenuator switch to -20 dB.
(4) Set synthesizer/level generator for 1 MHz and amplitude for -72 dBm output.
(5) Set synthesizer/level generator for 0.1 dB steps and press decrement
pushbutton until TI indicates -100 dBm.
(6) Press TI FREQUENCY/ENTRY [COUNTER] pushbutton. If display does not
indicate between 999,999.0 and 1,000,001.0 Hz, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Adjust A22R6 (top front center of TI) for 1,000,000 Hz indication on
TI counter (R).