TB 9-6625-2173-24
(7) TRIGGERING SINGL SWP/RELEASE AUTO pushbutton to out position.
(8) TRIGGERING AUTO pushbutton to in position.
(9) TRIGGERING COUPL, AC and LF REJ pushbuttons to out position for dc.
(10) TRIGGERING SOURCE CH 1 pushbutton to in position.
(11) TRIGGERING SLOPE switch to + (positive) and LEVEL control to midrange.
b. Connect power module to 115 V ac source and POWER switch to on.
c. Set TI MODE switch to CH 1 and allow at least 15 minutes for warm-up.
d. Adjust INTENSITY and FOCUS for a sharp, well defined display on TI.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CH 1
input using a 50 : feedthrough termination and 5-80 pF standardizer.
(2) Set oscilloscope calibrator VOLTAGE output for 50 mV, 1 kHz, and rotate
oscilloscope calibrator EDIT FIELD knob for 5 divisions of vertical deflection on TI.
(3) Adjust 5-80 pF standardizer for optimum square wave display. If waveform
aberrations are greater than 1 minor division on front corner, perform b (1) below.
(4) Set CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 0.5. Set oscilloscope calibrator VOLTAGE
for 2.5 V and rotate oscilloscope calibrator EDIT FIELD knob for 5 divisions of vertical
deflection on TI. If waveform aberrations are greater than 1 minor division on front corner,
perform b (2) below.
(5) Set MODE switch to CH 2 and press TRIGGERING SOURCE CH 2
pushbutton in and CH 1 pushbutton out.
(6) Disconnect oscilloscope calibrator from TI CH1 and connect to TI CH2 and
repeat technique of (1) through (5) above for CH 2, except do not readjust standardizer.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust C105 (C205 for CH 2) (fig. 3) for optimum square wave on TI (R).
(2) Adjust C115 (C215 for CH 2) (fig. 3) for optimum flat top and C119 (C219 for CH 2)
a. Performance Check
(1) Remove the 5-80 pF standardizer from setup. Connect oscilloscope calibrator
SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CH 1 input and CHAN 2 to TI CH 2 input.
(2) Set CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS/DIV switches to 10m.
(3) Set MODE switch to CH 1 and press TRIGGERING SOURCE CH 1
pushbutton in and CH 2 pushbutton out.
(4) Set oscilloscope calibrator VOLTAGE output to 50 mV, 1 kHz.