TB 9-6625-2173-24
(1) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator EDIT FIELD knob for an err display of 0.0%.
Adjust MAG GAIN R708 (fig. 3) for TI display of 1 time marker per division over center 8
divisions (R).
(2) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator EDIT FIELD knob for an err display of 0.0%.
Adjust C1005 (fig. 3) for TI display of 1 time marker per division over center 8 divisions (R).
20. Vertical Output Amplifier
a. Performance Check
(1) Position CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS/DIV switches to 10 m and SECONDS/DIV
switch to 2 P.
(2) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CH 1
input and CHAN 2 to TI CH 2 input using 50 : feedthrough terminations.
(3) Set oscilloscope calibrator EDGE output to 50 mV, 100 kHz.
(4) Center display vertically and rotate oscilloscope calibrator EDIT FIELD knob
for a 5 division display. If waveform roll-off or overshoot is greater than 3 percent peak-to-
peak, perform b (1) below.
(5) Set SECOND/DIV switch to 0.2 Ps. Set oscilloscope calibrator EDGE output to
1 MHz, and amplitude for a 5 division display. If waveform indicates roll-off or overshoot
greater than 3 percent peak-to-peak, perform b (2) below.
(6) Set oscilloscope calibrator output to CHAN 2.
Set TI MODE and
(7) Repeat technique of (1) through (5) above for CH 2.
b. Adjustments
Interaction may exist between adjustments in (1) and (2)
below. Repeat as necessary for best compromise.
(1) Adjust R465 (fig. 4) for optimum square wave, without roll-off or overshoot (R).
(2) Adjust R473, C473, and C474 (fig, 4) for optimum square front corner without
roll-off or overshoot of waveform (R).
a. Performance Check
(1) Ensure oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 2 is connected to TI
CH2 using a 50 : termination.
(2) Set oscilloscope calibrator CHAN 2 LEVEL SINE output frequency to 50 kHz
and a reference amplitude of 6 divisions on TI crt.
(3) Change oscilloscope calibrator LEVEL SINE output frequency to 15 MHz.
(4) If the display amplitude is not 4.2 major divisions or greater, repeat checks and
adjustments in paragraph 20 above.