TB 9-6625-2173-35
(3) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 2 to TI CH 2 and
activate CHAN 2 on oscilloscope calibrator.
(4) Set oscilloscope calibrator VOLTAGE output to 50 mV, 1 kHz.
(5) Adjust FOCUS, INTEN, CH 1, and CH 2 POSITION controls as necessary to
view the two dots.
(6) Using the position controls place the first dot on the second vertical graticule
and center horizontal graticule lines.
(7) If the two displayed dots are not located 5 divisions apart 1.25 minor divisions,
perform b below.
b. Adjustments.
Adjust X GAIN
R1160, (fig. 6)
for 5
major divisions of
deflection between the two displayed dots. (R)
a. Performance Check
(1) Position TI controls as listed below.
(a) Set CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS/DIV switches to 10m.
(b) Set SECONDS/DIV switch to 0.1.
(2) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 2 to TI CH 2
input, using a 50 Ω terminator.
(3) Set TI TRIGGERING SOURCE and DISPLAY switches to CH 2.
(4) Set oscilloscope calibrator EDGE output to 50 mV, 1 MHz on CHAN 2.
(5) Adjust INTEN, FOCUS, TRIGGERING LEVEL, and CH 2 and horizontal
POSITION controls as necessary for a stable, centered display.
(6) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator EDIT FIELD knob for 5 divisions of display.
(7) Pull PULL X10 HORIZ MAG switch to out position.
(8) Adjust INTEN and FOCUS controls for suitable viewing.
(9) Adjust horizontal POSITION control to position leading edge of waveform to the
1st (extreme left) vertical graticule line.
(10) If aberrations within the first 100 ns of the displayed waveform are not 2.5
minor divisions or less perform b (1) through ( 3 ) below.
(10) Insert 50 Ω terminator into cable connection at TI CH 1.
(13) Press PULL X10 HORIZ MAG switch to in position and set display switch to CH 1.
(14) Set TRIGGERING SOURCE and DISPLAY switches to CH 1, and repeat (5)
through (10).
(15) If aberrations within the first 100 ns of the displayed waveform are not 2.5
minor divisions or less, perform b (4) below.