TB 9-6625-2173-35
(8) Press in and hold DISPLAY TRIG VIEW pushbutton and adjust INTEN and
FOCUS controls for suitable viewing.
(9) While holding DISPLAY TRIG VIEW pushbutton in, verify a stable display can
be obtained by adjusting the TRIGGERING LEVEL control.
b. Adjustments
(1) Set digital multimeter to measure 2 V dc fullscale and connect HI input to
(2) Press the CPLG AC pushbutton in and set the TRIGGERING SOURCE
switch to INT.
(3) Adjust R3527 EXT BAL (fig. 9) for 0 V 10 mV.
Disconnect the digital
(4) Set the SECONDS/DIV switch to 2 m and TRIGGERING SOURCE switch to
(5) Press the TRIGGERING MODE AUTO pushbutton in.
(6) Press and hold DISPLAY TRIG VIEW pushbutton and adjust R3336 (fig. 7) so
the start of waveform trace is at horizontal graticule center line (R).
(7) Set TRIGGERING SLOPE switch to - and compromise final adjustment of
R3336 (fig. 7) between display starts of both + and - SLOPE switch settings while pressing
the TRIG VIEW pushbutton in.
(8) Set TRIGGERING LEVEL control fully ccw.