TB 9-6625-2215-35
(8) Connect function/arbitrary generator output to TI A and B INPUT using
termination and tee connector.
(9) Set TI function switch to .1 s.
(10) Slowly increase function/arbitrary generator amplitude until TI indicates a
stable count. If function/arbitrary generator exceeds 25 mV, perform b (4) and (5) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Connect oscilloscope CH 1 input to U18 pin 6 (fig. 2).
Figure 2. Test instrument -
(Hewlett-Packard, Model 5304B) -
bottom view.
(3) Adjust AlR20 (fig. 2) for a symmetrical waveform with minimum or no change in
duty cycle when SLOPE switch is changed from + to - and minimum or no change when
AC/DC switch is set to AC or DC (R).
(4) Connect oscilloscope input to U18 pin 8 (fig. 2).
(5) Repeat (2) above and adjust A1R19 (fig. 2) for a symmetrical waveform with
minimum or no change in duty cycle when SLOPE switch is changed from + to - and
minimum or no change when AC/DC switch is set to AC or DC (R).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment and reinstall protective cover on TI.
b. Annotate and affix DA Label/Form in accordance with TB 750-25.