TB 9-6625-2274-50
4. Equipment
Required. Table 2 identifies the
specific equipment to be
used in this
calibration procedure. This equipment is issued with Secondary Reference Calibration
Standards Set NSN 4931-00-621-7878. Alternate items may be used by the calibrating
activity. The items selected must be verified to perform satisfactorily prior to use and must
bear evidence of current calibration. The equipment must meet or exceed the minimum use
specifications listed in table 2. The accuracies listed in table 2 provide a four-to-one ratio
between the standard and TI. Where the four-to-one ratio cannot be met, the actual
accuracy of the equipment selected is shown in parenthesis.
5. Accessories Required. The
accessories required for this
calibration are common
usage accessories issued as indicated in paragraph 4 above and are not listed in this
calibration procedure. The following peculiar accessory is also required for this calibration:
Three flexible extender cables supplied with TI and a locally procured 20 k Ω, 2 W,
5 percent resistor.
Table 2. Minimum Specifications of
Equipment Required
Minimum use
Manufacturer and model
Common name
(part number)
Range: 1.045 to 1.155 V
Hewlett-Packard, Model
Frequency: 100 kHz
54121T (54121T)
Accuracy: 1.25%
Risetime: ≤37.5 ps (≤45 ps)
Measurement capabilities:
.5 ns ≥200 mV p-p
1 ns ≥350 mV p-p
2 ns ≥1 V p-p
20% of square wave amplitude to dc
amplitude within 2.5 minor divisions
Fluke PM6681/656
Period: 99.985 ns to 5.00025 s
Accuracy: 0.00125%
Accuracy: 0.00625%
Frequency: 10 kHz
Tektronix, Type SG5030
Amplitude: 1 V
Hewlett-Packard, Model
Dc voltage:
Range: -200.5 to +239 V dc
Accuracy: 0.0625%
Dc current:
Range: 5 to 100 mA
Accuracy: -0.0625%
Measurement capability:
Tektronix, Type 2465B-46
Risetime: ≤10 ns
5 ns to 5 s amplitudes: ≥1 V into 50Ω
Input: 60 V, 100 kHz
Ballantine, Model 61252A
Aberrations: ≤1%