TB 9-6625-2274-50
(18) Acquire signal using digitizing oscilloscope and adjust sensitivity to 100 mV/D
and sweep speed to .5 ns/D.
(19) Digitizing oscilloscope will display a marker amplitude of 1 division or greater
and markers will fall on vertical graticule lines.
(20) Press OUTPUT ON pushbutton off and remove TI connections from digitizing
oscilloscope. Connect TRIGGER OUTPUT to oscilloscope CH1 using 50Ω feedthrough
(21) Press TRIGGER OUTPUT pushbutton on. Adjust UNITS/DIV dial to display
1 s/D. Acquire signal and adjust oscilloscope timebase to 1s/D.
(22) Press TRIGGER RATE 10 pushbutton on. Oscilloscope will display a TI
trigger rate decrease by a factor of 10.
(23) Press TRIGGER RATE 100 pushbutton on. Oscilloscope will indicate a
trigger rate decrease by a factor of 10.
(24) Remove TRIGGER OUTPUT from oscilloscope. Connect TRIGGER OUTPUT
to frequency counter A input.
(25) Press TRIGGER NORM pushbutton on and adjust UNITS/DIV dial to display
10 ns/D.
(26) Press VARIABLE ON pushbutton on and adjust VAR dial to display 9.9%
SLOW. Frequency counter will
indicate between 9009.1 and
9010.9 kHz.
(27) Adjust VAR dial to display 9.9% FAST. Frequency counter will indicate
between 10988.9 and 10991.1 kHz.
(28) Remove TRIGGER OUTPUT from frequency counter.
(29) Connect OUTPUT to oscilloscope CH 1 input. Press OUTPUT ON pushbutton
on and acquire signal using oscilloscope.
(30) Adjust oscilloscope timebase to 10 ns/D and slowly turn VAR dial to display
from 9.9% FAST to 9.9% SLOW. Oscilloscope marker period will vary as dial is turned.
(31) Press OUTPUT ON pushbutton off.
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.
c. Connect TI to a scope workstation controller using an IEEE-488 cable. Energize
d. Using the controller, select the oscilloscope workstation to obtain the Tektronix
ScopeCal System program. Proceed to the System Maintenance Menu.
e. Select GPIB Check.
f. At Instrument Address? prompt enter the CG-5011 address.