TB 9-6625-2280-40
(37) Repeat (21) through (26) above.
(38) Add linearity error to previously recorded linearity error in table 3. Record
accumulated linearity error sum in table 3. Accumulated linearity error sum will be less
than linearity specification listed in table 3.
(39) Disconnect 10 and 30 dB attenuators (fixed) from POINT A of figure 2
equipment setup.
(40) Connect pulse generator output to TRIG INPUT on TI rear panel.
(41) Set pulse generator controls for a pulse signal with 5 V amplitude (TTL), 10 s
duration, and a repetition rate of 1 kHz.
(42) Press keys as listed in (a) through (g) below:
(a) PEAK key.
(b) MENU key.
(c) F2 key.
(d) MENU key two times.
(e) F2 key.
(f) 100 using number keys.
(g) Any UNITS key (nS or S or mS key).
Perform (43) below only if TI EL display indication is not in mW.
(43) Press MENU key four times and then press F3 key.
(44) Connect RF detector A to POINT A (fig. 2).
(45) Adjust signal generator amplitude controls for a power meter indication equal to
P1 value recorded in (6) above.
(46) Record TI EL display indication as S1.
(47) Adjust signal generator amplitude controls for a power meter indication equal to
P2 value recorded in (12) above.
(48) Record TI EL display indication as S2.
(49) Divide S2 value recorded in (48) above into S1 value recorded in (46) above.
Record results as Y.