TB 9-6625-2294-24
REF OR DLY POS control to
intensify 2d time marker.
(15) Adjust control to intensify 10th time marker and superimpose delayed B sweep
time markers within 0.2 division.
(16) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton.
(17) Display readout will indicate: ADJ , (step) 3, 300 s, 1 s.
(18) Adjust REF OR DLY POS control to intensity 4th time marker and control to
intensify 28th time marker and superimpose delayed B sweep markers within 1 division.
(19) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton.
If adjustments are made in (18) above, display readout will
indicate: ADJ (step) 2, 200 s, 1 s. Repeat (14) through (19)
above until no adjustments are made in (18) above.
(20) If no adjustments were made in (18) above, display readout will indicate: ADJ ,
(step) 4, 100 s, 1 s.
(22) Adjust control ccw for no further movement of B sweep display. Note position
of first time marker of B sweep.
(23) Adjust control cw so 2d time marker of B sweep moves left and is aligned with
position noted in (22) above.
Movement of REF OR DLY POS control at this point will
(24) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton. Display readout
will indicate: X1, X10, HRZ CTR, (step) 5, 10 s, and two vertical cursors will appear on
the display.
(26) If cursors are not aligned with 2d and 10th vertical graticule lines, adjust XI
GAIN R860 (fig. 1), and HORZ CTR (R801) (fig. 1) to align the two cursors with 2d and 10th
vertical graticule line (R).
(27) If TI does not display 1 time marker per division l minor division, adjust X10
GAIN R850 (fig. 1) for 1 marker per division (R).
(28) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton. Display readout
will indicate: ADJ , (step) 6, 10 ms, 100 s.
(29) Set oscilloscope calibrator MARKER output to 10 S/D and adjust REF OR
control to intensify 10th time
DLY POS control to intensify 2d time marker, adjust
marker, and superimpose delayed sweep time markers within 0.2 division.
(30) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton and set
oscilloscope calibrator output for 1 mS/D.
(31) For each step in table 20 do the following: