TB 9-6625-2296-24
Pressing More (F6) will scroll various options on the bottom of
the display. The options will change the functions assigned to
the F1 through F6 function keys. This may be necessary to
obtain the Disp (F1), Freq (F2), Mod (F5), and A Freq (F1)
options required in the following tests.
(6) Press Disp (F1) (Display Mode), and DATA ENTRY 2 (Full Anlz Mode) keys.
(7) Press Scan (F5) (Scan Width Mode) key and press DATA SCROLL arrow keys
to select 1 kHz, then press DATA ENTRY ENTER key (1 kHz scan width).
(8) Adjust A9 FM MOD ADJ (fig. 2) on the 90 MHz GEN MECH ASSY until level of
carrier frequency is nulled down to the noise floor on TI spectrum analyzer display.
(9) Press Freq (F1) (RF Frequency Mode) key, and press DATA SCROLL arrow
keys to set RF to 10.0001 MHz. Press DATA ENTRY ENTER key.
(10) Adjust A9 FM MOD ADJ (fig. 2) on the 90 MHz GEN MECH ASSY until level of
carrier frequency is nulled down to center horizontal graticule on TI spectrum analyzer display.
(11) Press Freq (F1) (RF Frequency Mode) key, and press DATA SCROLL arrow
keys to set RF to 10.0000 MHz. Press DATA ENTRY ENTER key.
(12) Adjust A9 FM MOD ADJ (fig. 2) on the 90 MHz GEN MECH ASSY until level of
carrier frequency is about midway between the levels of the two final levels in (8) and (10)
above on TI spectrum analyzer display.
(13) Repeat (9) through (12) above until the center frequency level does not vary by
more than 2 dB.
(14) The measuring receiver FM deviation display should indicate a value
approximately balanced around 12.5 kHz and within 100 Hz when RF frequency is toggled
between 10.0000 and 10.0001 MHz.
(15) Press key sequence listed in (a) through (k) below:
(a) MODE MTRS ..........................
Meter Menu
(b) AUX (F6) ..................................
Auxiliary Function Menu
(c) DATA ENTRY 1 ......................
(d) FIELD SELECT arrow...........
Highlight 13. Gen Modulation
(e) DATA ENTRY ENTER..............
Select 13. Gen Modulation
(f) DATA ENTRY 3 ......................
FM Deviation (80 kHz)
(g) DATA SCROLL keys until measuring receiver indicates 80 kHz 4 kHz
(h) DATA ENTRY ENTER..............
Set Correction Factor
(i) ESC (F6) ...................................
MODE RF GEN ......................
RF Gen Display
(k) DATA ENTRY SHIFT Y ........
(Backup Cal Data? y/n)