TB 9-6625-2322-35
Table 1. Calibration Description - Continued
Test instrument parameters
Perform specifications
Pulse Modulation
Pulse rate:
DC to 10 MHz unleveled
Pulse on/off ratio:
100 Hz to 5 MHz leveled
Range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz
Accuracy: > 80 dB
Rise/fall time:
< 10 nS
< 10%
Amplitude modulation:
10 MHz to 18 GHz
Range: 0 to 90%2
Accuracy: 10 % of setting
Incidental PM:
10 kHz modulation frequency
Modulation frequency response:
Range: DC to 10 kHz
Accuracy: < 0.3 dB
Frequency modulation:
Unlocked FM mode:
Range: 100 MHz (DC to 100 Hz modulation rate)3
Accuracy: 5%
Range: 10 MHz (DC to 8 MHz modulation. rate)4
Accuracy: 5%
Locked FM Mode:
Range: The lesser of 10 MHz or Fmod X 300 (1
kHz to 8 MHz Mod Rate)5
Incidental AM:
< 2%6
Modulation Frequency Response:
Range: 3 kHz to 8 MHz7
Accuracy: < 1 dB
to 90 dB.
3Verified at .1 Hz modulation. rate, 100 MHz deviation.
4Verified at 100 kHz modulation rate, 240 kHz deviation.
5Verified at 1 kHz to 8 MHz modulation rate, 240 kHz deviation.
6Verified at 500 kHz deviation, 200 kHz modulation frequency.
7Verified from 3 kHz to 50 kHz.
4. Equipment
Table 2 identifies the
specific equipment to be
used in this
calibration procedure. This equipment is issued with Secondary Transfer Calibration
Standards Set AN/GSM-287 or AN/GSM-705. Alternate items may be used by the
calibrating activity. The items selected must be verified to perform satisfactorily prior to
use and must bear evidence of current calibration. The equipment must meet or exceed the
minimum use specifications listed in table 2. The accuracies listed in table 2 provide a four-