TB 9-6625-2346-35
(90) Adjust TI CH 1 ⇕POSITION control to position top of waveform to center
horizontal graticule line.
(91) Adjust C26 (fig. 1) for minimum overshoot on waveform (R).
(92) Connect oscilloscope calibrator CHAN 1 to TI CH 2 using a 10X attenuator and
a 50Ω feedthrough termination.
(93) Set VERTICAL MODE CH 1 BOTH CH 2 switch to CH 2.
(94) Set oscilloscope calibrator for an EDGE mode output of 1 MHz and adjust for 5
divisions of vertical deflection on TI.
(95) Adjust TI CH 2 ⇕POSITION control to position top of waveform to center
horizontal graticule line.
(96) Adjust C180 (fig. 1) for minimum overshoot on displayed waveform (R).
(97) Set TI CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 2m.
(98) Set oscilloscope calibrator output for 5 divisions of vertical deflection on TI.
(99) Adjust TI CH 2 ⇕POSITION control to position top of waveform to center
horizontal graticule line.
(100) Adjust C76 (fig. 1) for minimum overshoot on waveform (R).
a. Performance Check
(1) Position TI controls as listed in (a) through (f) below:
(a) VERTICAL MODE CH 1 BOTH CH 2 switch to CH 1.
(b) CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to .5.
(c) A AND B SEC/DIV to .05 s.
(d) B DELAY TIME POSITION fully ccw.
(e) B TRIGGER LEVEL fully cw.
(f) A TRIGGER NORM pushbutton pressed.
(2) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CH 1
input using 50Ω a feedthrough termination.
(3) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a CHAN 1, MARKER mode output of 50 ns/div.
controls for suitable viewing.
(5) Adjust TI ⇐POSITION⇒ control to align 2nd time marker with 2nd vertical
graticule line.
(6) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton to
align 10th time marker with 10th vertical graticule line. If oscilloscope calibrator Err
display and TI linearity are not within limits specified in first row of table 9, perform b (1)
through (10) below.