(43) Change calibrator output to 10.00 V at a frequency of 20 k Hz.
(44) Adjust C107 (fig. 1) for a display of 00.0000 200 counts (R).
(45) Set calibrator output to minimum and disconnect equipment setup.
(46) Press TI REL pushbutton and ensure TI REL annunciator is off.
a. Performance Check
(1) Set TI pushbuttons as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) AC DC to DC (out position).
(b) Function to Ω (in position).
(c) Range to 200 (in position).
(2) Connect calibrator to TI as follows:
(a) Calibrator OUTPUT HI to TI INPUT HI.
(b) Calibrator OUTPUT LO to TI INPUT LO.