TB 9-4920-469-24
(22)Set the RANGE switch to 200kΩ and press the PTM pushbutton.
(23)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.0 kΩ.
(24)Set the RANGE switch to 2MΩ and press the PTM pushbutton.
(25)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.000 MΩ.
(26)Set the RANGE switch to 20MΩ and press the PTM pushbutton.
(27)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.00 MΩ.
(28)Set the RANGE switch to 200MΩ and press the PTM pushbutton.
(29)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.0 MΩ.
For the following calibration steps, several Resistance
Standards are used, as indicated table 2. Failure to use exactly
the required values will cause an invalid calibration, resulting
in a Test Set generating erroneous readings.
(30)Set the FUNCTION switch to RES MEAS.
(31)Set RANGE switch to 20Ω.
(32)Connect the TI clips to Resistance Standard NO.1, set to 19.493 Ω, and press the
PTM pushbutton.
(33)The TI displays the measured value prior to compensation being applied.
(34)Set the RANGE switch to 200Ω.
(35)Connect the TI clips to Resistance Standard NO.1, set to 195.03 Ω, and press the
PTM pushbutton.
(36)The TI displays the measured value prior to compensation being applied.
(37)Set the RANGE switch to 2kΩ.
(38)Connect the TI clips to Resistance Standard NO.1, set to 1.9503 Ω, and press the
PTM pushbutton.
(39)The TI displays the measured value prior to compensation being applied.
(40)Set the RANGE switch to 20kΩ.
(41)Connect the TI clips to Resistance Standard NO.1, set to 19.507 kΩ, and press
the PTM pushbutton.
(42)The TI displays the measured value prior to compensation being applied.
(43)Set FUNCTION switch to INS MEAS.
(44)Set the RANGE switch to 200kΩ.
(45)Connect the TI clips to Resistance Standard NO.1, set to 199.9 kΩ, and press the
PTM pushbutton.
(46)The TI displays the measured value prior to compensation being applied.
(47)Set the RANGE switch to 2MΩ.
(48)Connect the TI clips to Resistance Standard NO.2, set to 1.994 MΩ, and press
the PTM pushbutton.
(49)The TI displays the measured value prior to compensation being applied.