TB 9-4920-469-24
(15)Press TI mV pushbutton to set TI to mV mode (not mV amb).
(16)Multimeter shall not change more than 0.01mV between steps (14) and
(15) above.
If test fails ensure that ECO# 260-00739 has been implemented
(Test set name plate should be stamped with mod status B).
(1) Press the MENU pushbutton 1 time.
(2) Press the F (↓) pushbutton until MAINTENANCE MENU shows on the TI display.
(3) Press the C (ENT) pushbutton to enter.
(4) At the ENTER CODE prompt, (use the softkeys as numeric keys) enter the 6-
digit password, 331331.
(5) The display shows CORRECT CODE, then CALIBRATE. Press C (ENT)
pushbutton. (The TI shows a date and prompts for confirmation.)
(6) If the date shown is correct, press C (ENT) pushbutton and continue to step
(10) below.
(7) If date is not correct, press CONT (ESC). (The TI displays XX/XX/####). Use
the F (↓) and mV (↑) softkeys, until the correct year shows. Press C (ENT) to accept.
(8) Continue entering the correct month and day using the same method. Press C
(ENT) to accept after each entry.
(9) At the CONFIRM ENT/ESC prompt, press C (ENT) to accept the date.
(10)If necessary, set FUNCTION switch to RES MEAS.
(11)The TI displays OFFSET ADJUST.
(12)Set RANGE switch to 20Ω.
(13)Connect the TI clips together ensuring best possible shorting of clips with
maximum contacting surface area. Press and hold the PTM pushbutton until reading
stabilizes, then release PTM.
(14)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.000 Ω.
If TI displays more than 0.002 Ω, then press PTM pushbutton
and repeat steps c (1) through (14) above.
(15)Set RANGE switch to 200Ω and press the PTM pushbutton.
(16)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.00 Ω.
(17)Set the RANGE switch to 2KΩ and press the PTM pushbutton.
(18)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.0000 kΩ.
(19)Set the RANGE switch to 20KΩ and press the PTM pushbutton.
(20)The TI displays the measured offset, typically 0.000 kΩ.
(21)Set the FUNCTION switch to INS MEAS.