TB 9-4931-488-24
(7) Proceed to technique (12) below.
(8) Position controls as listed in (a) through (e) below:
(a) AM X10% pushbutton pressed.
(b) AM switch to OFF.
(c) MODULATION FREQUENCY range switch to 1000 Hz.
(d) AM control fully ccw.
(e) RANGE MHZ switch to 256 - 128.
(9) Connect multimeter INPUT HI to A2TP3 (DC OUTPUT, fig. 1) and INPUT LO
to A2TP1 (GND, fig.1). Adjust A2R15 (DET OFFSET, fig. 1) for a 0.000 1 mV dc
multimeter indication.
(10) Disconnect multimeter INPUT HI from DC OUTPUT A2TP3 and connect
INPUT HI to A2TP4 (METER ADJ, fig. 1). Adjust A2R14 (METER OFFSET, fig. 1) for a
0.000 1 mV dc multimeter indication.
(11) Disconnect multimeter INPUT HI from A2TP4 (METER ADJ, fig. 1) and
(12) Set AM switch to INT and adjust AM control for a multimeter indication of
0.707 V ac. Adjust A2R28 (METER DRIVE, fig. 1) for a TI meter indication of 10 on 0 to 10 scale.
(13) Position controls as listed in (a) through (g) below:
(a) LEVEL VOLTS pushbutton pressed.
(b) AM switch to INT.
(c) AM control fully ccw.
(d) RANGE MHz switch to 256 - 128.
(e) FREQUENCY TUNE control for FREQUENCY MHz display indication of 190 MHz.
(f) OUTPUT LEVEL vernier control to CAL.
(g) OUTPUT LEVEL switches to +10 dBm.
(14) Disconnect multimeter from TI. Connect RF OUT to measuring receiver input
and set RF OFF/ON switch to ON.
(15) Set measuring receiver to measure AM depth with RMS detector.
(16) Adjust AM control for a measuring receiver indication of approximately 20%.
Press measuring receiver AMPLITUDE Y-Scale. Set Display Mode to Ratio and Ratio Mode
to Linear.
(17) Set OUTPUT LEVEL switches to 0 dBm. Adjust A26A1R19 (DET, fig. 3) for a
measuring receiver indication of 100%.
(18) Set OUTPUT LEVEL switches to +10 dBm. If measuring receiver does not
indicate between 99.5 and 100.5%, repeat technique of (9) and (10) above while adjusting
A26A1R19 (fig. 1) for best in-tolerance condition.
(19) Set measuring receiver to measure RF power.
(20) Position controls as listed in (a) through (d) below.