TB 9-4931-501-35
not within tolerance, perform the power supply checks prior
to making adjustments. After adjustments are made, repeat
checks if all other parameters are within tolerance.
8. Calibrator Output
a. Performance Check
(1) Press TI POWER switch to off and connect probe(B3)between the junction of
R984 and C984, and GND TEST POINT (fig. 2),using adapter (B1).
(2) Connect digital voltmeter (A3) between TI. CALIBRATOR current loop and
GND TEST POINT, using adapters and leads supplied With digital voltmeter.
(3) Pull TI POWER switch to on.
(4) Digital voltmeter should indicate between +396 and +404 mV (millivolts) dc.
(5) Vary autotransformer (A1) between 105 and 125 V ac and observe that digital
voltmeter indication remains between +396 and +404 mV dc.
(6) Press TI POWER switch to off and disconnect probe and adapter connected in
(1) above.
(7) Pull TI POWER switch to on.
(8) Connect CALIBRATOR loop to vertical amplifier channel 1 INPUT, using
adapter and probe (B4 and B3).
(9) Adjust INTENSITY control, vertical amplifier VOLTS/DIV switch, and time
base TIME/DIV switch as necessary to obtain a square wave display.
b. Adjustments. No adjustment can be made.
a. Performance Check. Slowly adjust TI INTENSITY control cw (clockwise) until
trace appears on TI screen. If the TI INTENSITY control is not between its 8 and 11
o'clock position, perform b below.
b. Adjustment. Turn TI INTENSITY control fully ccw and adjust INTENSITY
RANGE R435 (fig. 1) until trace is just visible and then readjust until trace is just