TB 9-4931-501-35
(2) Position calibration fixture controls as listed in (a) through (d) below:
(a) POSITION control to midrange.
(b)AMPLITUDE control to midrange.
(c) TEST switch to COM MODE.
(d) REP RATE switch to I MHz.
(1) Pull TI POWER switch to on. If a vertical trace is not displayed within 0.5
division of TI center vertical graticule line, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Adjust HORIZ CENTER
R222 (fig. 3) to
position trace to TI
vertical graticule line.
a. Performance Check
(1) Set calibration fixture (A2) TEST switch to VERT OR HORIZ GAIN and
adjust POSITION control to align bright center trace on TI with center vertical graticule
(2) If center seven traces do not coincide within 0.25 division of respective
vertical graticule lines, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Adjust GAIN
R212 (fig. 3) for a
6-division deflection over
seven vertical graticule lines (R).
19. 10 and 5 ns Timing
a. Performance Check
(1) Press TI POWER switch to off. Install calibration fixture (A2) in TI left
compartment and time base (A4) in right compartment. Pull TI POWER switch to on.
(2) Set calibration fixture TEST switch to AUX IN.
(3) Connect time mark generator (A5) output to calibration fixture AUX IN, and
time mark generator TRIGGER OUTPUT to time base EXT TRIG, using two cables (B2).
(4) Set time mark generator marker output to 10 ns (nanoseconds) and trigger
output to 1 s. Adjust calibration fixture AMPLITUDE control for convenient display on
TI screen.