TB 9-5855-1890-24
Install shroud on TI.
m. Pull leads through exit port and connect to multimeter no. 1 observing indicated polarity.
n. Open shroud access door (top) and remove 4 screws from top of cover plate of TI
temperature controller and remove cover plate.
o. Place offset voltage pin adapters on pin J7 (black) and J9 (red) (fig. 1). Connect
leads to proper pin adapter (black to black, red to red).
p. Draw leads through side access port of shroud and connect to multimeter no. 2.
q. Connect temperature controller to 115 V ac power source.
Ensure that power switch is in OFF position.
r. Connect multimeter no. 2 to 115 V ac power source, turn power on, and allow 15
minutes to warm-up.
s. Set offset voltage (toggle) switch to ALIGN (fig. 1).
t. Energize TI and observe indication on multimeter no. 2.
If this is the initial calibration, adjust temperature controller
potentiometer R4 (fig. 1) for an indication of 4.30 0.05 V dc on
multimeter no. 2.
Deenergize TI immediately after performing u below.
u. If necessary, adjust temperature controller potentiometer R4 (fig. 1) for multimeter
no. 2 indication equal to previous offset voltage listed on TI offset voltage label (located on
temperature controller) 0.05 V dc. Record indication as Vo.
v. Set power switch to OFF.
w. Set offset voltage switch to ON.
x. Replace temperature controller cover plate but do not secure.
y. Close top access hatch of shroud. Set power switch to ON and record start time and
allow TI to warm-up for 1 hour.
a. Performance Check
(1) Observe and record indication on multimeter no. 1 in microvolts.
(2) Using differential thermocouple set calibration data and indication on
multimeter no. 1, calculate the temperature difference indication and record as T. If
temperature difference is not between 4.05 oC and 4.95 oC, perform b below.