TB 9-5855-1892-24
(b) Record multimeter maximum and minimum indications on BAR Target
Temperature Worksheet (appendix A). Make copies of BAR Target Temperature Worksheet
as required.
(c) Use formula provided on BAR Target Temperature Worksheet to compute
temperature equivalent values for T max and T min.
(d) Average T max and T min values to determine current temperature and
record on BAR Target Temperature Worksheet.
(e) Use formula provided on BAR Target Temperature Worksheet to calculate
temperature error.
(f) Temperature error will be between 0.45 C and 0.45 C; if not, perform b
(2) below and repeat steps in paragraphs 9 a through f.
(g) Set TI ON/OFF switch to OFF.
(4) Loosen mounting post clamp (fig. 5) on thermocouple No. 2 (TC2) and slide
laboratory clamp (fig. 6) back (away from TI) in mounting post clamp until thermocouple is
outside TI, then tighten mounting post clamp (fig. 5).
Apply cotton tip applicator gently to blackened painted
surfaces to prevent rubbing off black paint.
(5) Use cotton-tip applicator soaked in paste removal solvent to remove thermally
conductive paste from exterior surface of BAR TARGET AMBIENT PLATE (fig. 6), then
remove solvent residue using a dry cotton-tip applicator.
(6) Remove large cover plate (fig. 2) from TI.
SELECTOR SWITCH back to disengage contacts (fig. 7).
MRT is now selected internally while target select knob shows
BAR target is selected.
(8) Loosely replace large cover plate (fig. 2).
(9) Daub a small amount of thermally conductive paste on left side (flat surface) of
MRT target housing and place tip of thermocouple No. 2 (TC2) (fig. 8) in thermally
conductive paste.
You may need to remove small cover plate (fig. 2).
(10) Loosen holding clamp (fig. 5) slightly.