TB 9-5895-1913-40
(18) Using the blue arrow keys and the rotary knob, edit the TI Actual output until
the measuring receiver indicates the Target value stated. Press Accept Target.
(19) Press Next Target.
(20) Repeat (17) through (19) above for all points requiring the use of the measuring
receiver to make level adjustments. When complete, the TI adjustment point title will
indicate AM Depth.
(21) Disconnect the measuring receiver from the TI Base Unit SMA connector and
connect the TI 50 ohm Leveling Head. Connect the Leveling Head output to the measuring
receiver RF INPUT using sensor module (opt 504).
(22) Set the measuring receiver for an AM depth measurement.
(23) Using the blue arrow keys and the rotary knob, edit the TI Actual output until
the measuring receiver indicates the Target value stated. Press Accept Target.
(24) Press Next Target.
(25) Repeat (23) and (24) above until all Base adjustments are completed.
(26) Press Previous Menu, then Press Adjust Head.
(27) Disconnect TI Leveling Head connection from measuring receiver and move to
AC measurement standard INPUT 1 using a 50 ohm precision termination.
(28) Set the TI to OPER.
(29) Using the blue arrow keys and the rotary knob, edit the TI Actual output until
the AC measurement standard indicates the Target value stated. Press Accept Target.
(30) Press Next Target.
(31) Repeat (29) and (30) above for all points requiring the use of the AC
measurement standard. Upon completion, set the TI to STBY.
(32) Disconnect the AC measurement standard and the 50 ohm precision
termination from the TI Leveling Head. Connect the TI Leveling Head to the input of the
power meter using the power sensor using a Type N female to female adapter.
(33) Set the power meter for 0.001 db resolution.
(34) Set the TI to OPER.
(36) Using the blue arrow keys and the rotary knob, edit the TI Actual output until
the power meter indicates the Target value stated. Press Accept Target.
(37) Press Next Target.
(38) Repeat (35) through (37) above for all remaining Target points.
(39) Set the TI to STBY value.
(40) Remove power meter and power sensor and replace with measuring receiver
and sensor module (opt 504).
(41) Set the TI to OPER.