TB 9-5985-318-24
(6) On the next screen, Measurement for Mis-Match Devices, click the Set up
diagram. Connect equipment as shown in the diagram except do not connect the power
module or the power sensor. Step 1 shows the setup for IEEE/GPIB address setup; Step 2
is the connections note; Step 3 is the LAN Setup. Once setups have been accomplished,
click the RETURN icon to return to the Measurement for Mis-Match Devices screen.
(7) Click Step 2 to calibrate the power meter. Follow on-screen instructions.
(8) Step 3 has two options: Option1 and Option 2. Select Option 2.
(9) Enter TI test points of 30 MHz and 1000 MHz.
(10)Start test and follow on-screen instructions.
When the onscreen instructions direct that the TI be inserted,
ensure that the termination is connected to the open port of the
(11)When the test is finished, the data will be displayed. Verify that the VSWR
measured is 1.1 maximum for the 30 MHz test frequency and 1.25 maximum for the
1000 MHz test frequency.
(12)Press Return To Front Page.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
9. Insertion Loss Using PiMAT Software
a. Performance Check
(1) Select the With Gateway option.
(2) On the next screen, Type of TI, select Fixed Passive Device.
(3) Select High Range, then Option 2.
(4) Enter TI test points of 30 MHz, 500MHz, and 1000 MHz.
(5) Start test and follow on-screen instructions.
(6) When the test is finished, the data will be displayed. Verify that the Insertion
Loss measured is between 0.0dBm and 0.1dBm for the 30 MHz and 500MHz test
frequencies and between 0.0dBm and 0.2dBm for the 1000 MHz test frequency.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
Performance Check
(1) Connect the power sensor input to the synthesized signal generator RF output
(2) Set the synthesized signal generator controls for a 30 MHz CW output,
amplitude to +9 dBm, and RF output to on.
(3) Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude controls for an exact
+10.0 dBm (10.0 mW) indication on the power meter.