TB 9-6625-127-24
(4) Set TI output to minimum and disconnect setup.
(5) Connect TI OUTPUT to oscilloscope input using a 50 Ω feedthrough
(6) Set TI for a 10 MHz frequency, 8.0 ns width, 1 V amplitude output.
(7) Adjust oscilloscope as necessary for a pulse width measurement. If oscilloscope
measurement is not ≤10 ns, perform b below.
(8) Set TI output to minimum and disconnect setup.
b. Adjustments. Complete all performance checks through paragraph 15 for as found
11. Burst (Option 001 only)
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect TI OUTPUT to frequency counter A input and set frequency counter for
50 Ω input.
(2) Set TI controls as listed in (a) through (d) below:
(a) MODE (Input) to Ext Burst.
(b) Function to Square.
(c) FRQ to 10.0 kHz.
(d) AMP to 1 V.
(3) Set counter controls as listed in (a) through (g) below:
(b) Press AUX MENU.
(c) Press SELECT up or down key, until display reads AU. CODES.
(d) Press ENTER.
(e) Press 8.11 keys.
(f) Press ENTER.
(g) Press TOT ST/STOP.
(4) Load burst number 816 into TI.
(5) Press TI MAN button. Counter will indicate 816.
(6) Set TI output to minimum and disconnect setup.
b. Adjustments None.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect TI OUTPUT to multimeter input using a 50 Ω feedthrough