TB 9-6625-156-24
(7) Repeat technique of (2) through (6) above at 1090 MHz for command button
1090 RX SUM.
(8) Repeat technique of (1) through (7) above with connection to TI at coax cable W3
(A5J1). Use frequency of 1090 MHz and 1030 MHz for command buttons 1090 RX DIFF
and 1030 RX DIFF respectively.
(9) Disconnect RF reference source from TI.
(11) Set the RF reference source frequency to 1030 MHz at -23 dBm and output
to STBY.
(12) On the instrument controller, click command button 1030 RX DIRECT followed
by command button OK to close dialog box. Ensure that RF reference source is in STBY.
(13) Set RF amplifier to CHANNEL 3 and 100% GAIN.
(14) Set RF power meter to measure dBm.
(15) Set RF reference source to OPER and toggle RF amplifier out of STBY.
(16) Increase RF reference source output until power meter indicates +40.0 dBm
(10.0 W) on RF power meter.
(17) TI will indicate +40.0 dBm 1.5 dB. If TI indication is within tolerance, click
command button OK. Radio button will fill indicating that parameter is complete. If TI
indication is not +40.0 dBm 1.5 dB, perform b below.
(18) Set the RF reference source to STBY.
(19) Repeat technique of (11) through (18) above at 1090 MHz for command button
(20) Set outputs to minimum and disconnect equipment set-up.
b. Adjustments
Adjustments below reference the 1030 RX SUM setting.
Substitute 1090 RX SUM, 1090 RX DIFF, 1030 RX DIFF, 1030
RX DIRECT or 1090 RX DIRECT with applicable frequencies
and power levels.
(1) On the instrument controller, click command button CALIBRATE, ensure that
RF reference source power is disabled, then select command button OK to close the
dialog box.
Radio button will not fill if entry fell outside the TI's
acceptance window. (The Instructions/Messages box displays a
failed limit check.) If this happens, data can only be saved to
TI by clicking on all unfilled radio buttons.