TB 9-6625-156-24
b. Adjustments
Adjustments below reference the 1030 TX SUM setting.
Substitute 1090 TX SUM, 1030 TX DIFF, 1030 TX AUX, 1030
TX DIRECT or 1090 TX DIRECT with applicable frequencies
and power levels.
(1) On the instrument controller, click command button CALIBRATE followed by
command button OK to close the dialog box.
(2) Enter measuring receiver indicated power in the POWER text box followed by
(3) Repeat step (2) above until measuring receiver indicates as close to -5.00 dBm as
possible (-50.00 dBm when adjusting 1030 TX DIRECT or 1090 TX DIRECT).
(4) Click command button 1030 TX to complete the adjustment. Radio button will
fill indicating that parameter is complete.