TB 9-6625-1960-40
(5) Adjust AMPLITUDE control for 5 divisions of vertical deflection on oscilloscope.
(7) Adjust oscilloscope TRIG LEVEL for stable display.
(8) Measure risetime using standard risetime technique. If risetime is not 150 ps or
less, perform b below.
(9) Remove connection from A and connect to B.
(10) Repeat technique of (5) through (8) above. If risetime is not 150 ps or less,
perform b below.
(11) Remove connection from B and connect to A and repeat technique of (5) through
(10) above and adjust R235 for best compromise.
If risetime portion of waveform is not smooth, it may be
necessary to adjust symmetry R285 (fig. 6) for preshoots.
b. Adjustments. Adjust R235 (fig. 6) for 140 ps on oscilloscope (R).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.