TB 9-6625-1967-35
b. Adjustments.
Adjust R1414 (fig. 3) until
second time
marker is
aligned with
leading edge of second graticule line. Check that the pulse is at the same point on the
graticule when the ZERO REF CHECK button is pressed.
a. Performance Check
(1) Set FEET/DIV switch to 5 feet.
(3) Press SOLID POLY pushbutton (set DISTANCE CAL switches to .6 and .06
(.66)) and align time marker on second graticule line from the left using the ZERO REF
SET control. Two markers displayed will be 6.59 divisions apart within 0.1 divisions.
(4) Press FOAM POLY pushbutton and release SOLID POLY pushbutton. (Set
DISTANCE CAL switches to .8 and .01 (.81)). TI will display two pulses 8.1 divisions
apart within 0.1 divisions.
(5) Release SOLID POLY and FOAM POLY pushbuttons. (Set DISTANCE CAL
switches fully cw.)
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
12. X100 Timing and
a. Performance Check
(1) Set multiplier switch to X100.
(2) Set oscilloscope calibrator for 1S markers and adjust for 1 marker per graticule
division display. Oscilloscope calibrator will indicate 1S, 2 percent.
(3) Deenergize TI; remove all connections, and replace EXT CAL connector (fig. 3).
(4) Energize TI and press IMPLS WIDTH (ns) 100 pushbutton (Set TEST PULSE
SHORT/MED/LONG switch to MED) and set RET LOSS (dB) (SENSITIVITY (dB))
switch to 0 dB.
(5) Adjust ZERO REF SET control to position leading edge of pulse display on
graticule centerline.
(6) Set multiplier switch to X10 while observing pulse display. If leading edge does
not remain on graticule centerline, perform b below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R1132 (fig. 3) to align leading edge of pulse display on TI
graticule centerline.
(2) Alternately set multiplier switch between X100 and X10 positions while
adjusting R1132 for no movement of display.