TB 9-6625-1967-35
a. Performance Check
Perform this check only if TI has the X-Y output module.
(1) Place TI terminal connection link on negative slope terminal as shown in figure 4.
(2) Set REF LOSS (dB) (SENSITIVITY (dB)) switch to 0 dB and DISTANCE
dial to 000.
(3) Connect termination to CABLE input. Adjust 0 dB SET control for a 4 division
display on TI.
(4) Connect multimeter positive lead to PEN LIFT red terminal and common lead
to PEN LIFT black terminal. Multimeter will indicate approximately +5 V dc.
(5) Lift RECORD/CAMERA switch to RECORD and release while observing crt
sweep and multimeter in indications. Multimeter will indicate +0.5 V or less at start of
sweep and approximately +5 V at end of sweep.
(6) Disconnect link from negative slope and connect to positive slope as shown in
figure 4. Multimeter will
indicate approximately -0.5 V.