TB 9-6625-1996-24
4. Equipment Required. Table 2 identifies the specific equipment to be used in this
calibration procedure. This equipment is issued with Secondary Transfer Calibration
Standards Set AN/GSM-286, AN/GSM-287 or AN/GSM-705. Alternate items may be used
by the calibrating activity. The items selected must be verified to perform satisfactorily
prior to use and must bear evidence of current calibration. The equipment must meet or
exceed the minimum use specifications listed in table 2. The accuracies listed in table 2
provide a four-to-one ratio between the standard and TI.
5. Accessories Required. The accessories required for this calibration are common
usage accessories, issued as indicated in paragraph 4 above, and are not listed in this
calibration procedure. The following peculiar accessories are also required for this
calibration: Adapter, SMC jack to BNC plug, Hewlett-Packard Model 1250-0831; Extender
Boards, 10-terminal circuit board extenders (05345-60201 and 05345-60202); and Extender
Cable, Hewlett-Packard Model 05345-60205.
Table 2. Minimum Specifications of Equipment Required
Manufacturer and model
Common name
Minimum use specifications
(part number)
Ridge, Model 9020A
Range: 105 to 125 V ac
Accuracy: 1%
Range: 10 Hz to 30 MHz
Amplitude: 0 to 40 mV rms
Accuracy: 3% (1.5 dB)
Range: 10 MHz
Tracor, Model 527E (527E)
Resolution: 1 part in 10-10 per day
Range: -2 to +2 Vdc
Hewlett-Packard, Model
Accuracy: 0.000125%
3458A (3458A)
Range: 0 to 15 V dc
Accuracy: 0.03%
Agilent, OS-303/G (OS-303/G)
Sensitivity: 50 mV/div
Sweep rate: 10 ns/div
Accuracy: 3%
Aeroflex, Model 2023B (2023B)
Range: 30 to 500 MHz
or (SG-1207/U)
Amplitude: 0 to 40 mV rms
Accuracy: 3% (1.5 dB)
Datum, Model ET6000-75
-10 per day
Accuracy: 1.25 parts in 10