TB 9-6625-2083-24
(5) Adjust R578 MAG REGISTRATION (fig. 12) to position time marker to center
vertical graticule line (R).
(6) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton for
an Err display of 0.0%. Adjust R169 B SWP CAL (fig. 13) for 1 marker per division (R).
(7) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton for
an Err display of 0.0%. Adjust C120 10 S TIMING (fig. 13) for 1 time marker per division (R).
(8) Adjust C120 10 S TIMING (fig. 13) to align displayed time marker with 1st
vertical graticule line. Repeat a (10) through (12) above until no further improvement is
noted (R).
(9) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton for
an Err display of 0.0%. Adjust C126 A SWP HI SPEED TIMING (fig. 13) for 1 marker per
division (R).
(10) Adjust C126 A SWP HI SPEED TIMING (fig. 13) to align displayed time marker
with center vertical graticule line. Repeat performance check and adjustment a (16)
through (19) above until no further improvement is noted (R).
(11) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton for
an Err display of 0.0%. Adjust C159 B SWP HI SPEED TIMING (fig. 13) for 1 time marker
per division (R).