TB 9-6625-2083-35
(3) Connect digital multimeter between +75 VOLT TEST POINT (fig. 4) and chassis
ground. If digital multimeter does not indicate between +74.920 and +75.078 V dc (+74.8
and +75.2 V dc for Type 453A), perform b (3) below.
(4) Connect digital multimeter between -1950 VOLT TEST POINT (fig. 1 for Type
453, fig. 2, for Type 453A) and chassis ground, using high voltage probe. If digital
multimeter does not indicate between -1890 and -2010 V dc (-1900 and -2020 V dc for Type
453A), perform b (4) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R1122 (fig. 4) for -12 V dc indication on digital multimeter (R).
(2) Adjust R1152 (fig. 4) for +12 V dc indication on digital multimeter (R).
(3) Adjust R1182 (fig. 4) for +75 V dc indication on digital multimeter (R).
(4) Adjust R900 (fig. 1 for Type 453, fig. 2 for Type 453A) for -1950 V dc (-1960 V dc
for Type 453A), indication on digital multimeter (R).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment and reinstall protective cover on TI.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.
a. The
instructions outlined in this
section are preparatory to the
calibration process.
Personnel should become familiar with the entire bulletin before beginning the calibration.
b. Items of equipment used in this procedure are referenced within the text by common
name and item identification number as listed in table 2.
c. Unless otherwise specified, verify the result of each test and, whenever the test
requirement is not met, take corrective action before continuing with the calibration.
Adjustments required to calibrate the TI are included in this procedure. Additional
maintenance information is contained in the manufacturers' manuals for this TI.
When indications specified in
paragraphs 21 through 31 are not within
perform the power supply check prior to making adjustments. After adjustments are made,
repeat paragraphs 21 through 31. Do not perform power supply check if all other
parameters are within tolerance.
e. Unless otherwise specified, all controls and control settings refer to TI.