TB 9-6625-2089-24
(b) DELAYED pushbutton pressed and intensified trace centered on first CH2
(c) CH1 and CH2 controls to align a 1 μs marker on CH1 input to the leading
edge of CH2 input pulse.
(8) Adjust DELAYED controls to display second pulse and count the number of
markers to the reference point on leading edge of the second CH2 input pulse. Multiply the
count by 1 μs for measurements.
(9) Align 19 μs marker to a reference point on CRT graticule and count 0.1 μs
markers from 19 μs reference point to leading edge of second CH2 input pulse. Multiply
this count by 0.1 μs and add to 19 μs to obtain pulse spacing. If pulse spacing is not between
20.28 and 20.32 μs, perform b (1) below.
(10) Measure pulse spacing between first and third pulses, using technique in (7)
through (9) above using 24th μs marker as a reference. If pulse spacing is not between 24.63
and 24.67 μs, perform b (2) below.
(11) Measure pulse spacing between first and fourth pulses using 48th μs marker as
reference. If pulse spacing is not between 49.28 and 49.32 μs, perform b (3) below.
(1) Adjust A6R32 (fig. 1) for a pulse spacing of 20.30 μs (R).
(2) Adjust A6R40 (fig. 1) for a pulse spacing of 24.65 μs (R).
(3) Adjust A6R42 (fig. 1) for a pulse spacing of 49.30 μs (R).
Performance Check
(1) Connect MAIN RF IN/OUT to input of frequency counter.
(2) Set CHAL MODE SELECT switch to CW. Frequency counter will indicate
1.0300 0.0001 GHz.
(3) Set SIG GEN FUNCTION switch to SWP 5 MHz and connect equipment as
(4) Oscilloscope CH1 will display 1025 to 1035 MHz markers as shown in figure 7,
1010 and 1050 MHz markers will not be present.
(5) Set synthesized signal generator output frequency to approximately 1025 MHz
and adjust the output level controls until a birdie is present on oscilloscope CH2 display.
(6) Adjust synthesized signal generator frequency controls until birdie is aligned
will indicate 1.0250 0.0001 GHz, if not perform b (1) below.
(7) Repeat technique of (6) above for TI markers listed in table 9. If indications are
not within limits specified, perform appropriate adjustments listed in table 9.