TB 9-6625-2117-35
Figure 1. Adjustment locations -
bottom view.
(13) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a CHAN 2, EDGE mode output of 1 kHz and
adjust amplitude for 5 divisions of vertical deflection.
(14) Adjust C19 (fig. 1) to midrange and readjust standardizer for optimum square
(15) Repeat technique of steps b (4) through (11) for CH 2 adjustments (R).
10. Horizontal Gain and Magnifier
a. Performance Check
(1) Position controls as listed in (a) through (d) below:
(a) TIME/DIV switch to 1 ms.
(b) CH 1 COUPLING pushbutton to AC (in).
(c) TRIGGER SOURCE push-button to CH 1.
(d) Press vertical mode CH 1 pushbutton.
(2) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 and CHAN 2 to
TI CH 1 and CH 2 inputs respectively, using 50 Ω feedthrough terminations.
(3) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a CHAN 1, MARKER mode output of 1ms/div.
(4) Adjust TI TRIGGER LEVEL control for a stable display and set CH 1
VOLTS/DIV switch for approximately 2 divisions of display. If TI does not display sweep
duration equal to 11 ms (11 marker intervals), perform b (1) below.