TB 9-6625-2249-24
Connect power meter to TI RF OUTPUT.
Adjust synthesized signal generator level display to value recorded in (2) above.
Repeat (23) above, TI display will Indicate between -0.3 and +0.3 dBm.
Repeat (25) above, TI display will Indicate between -9.7 and -10.3 dBm.
(38) Connect equipment as shown in figure 3 with the following exception. Do not
connect 20 dB attenuator (fixed) in figure 3 equipment setup.
(39) Connect power meter to TI RF OUTPUT.
(40) Adjust synthesized signal generator frequency setting to 2 GHz.
(41) Adjust synthesized signal generator level controls for a TI POWER LEVEL
meter indication of 0.0 dBm.
(42) Record power meter indication in table 5.
Synthesized signal generator frequency
Power meter indications (dBm)
settings (GHz)
(43) Repeat technique of (40) through (42) above for remaining frequency settings
(44) Subtract smallest value recorded in table 5 from the largest value recorded in
table 5. If the difference is not 2.5 dB or less, repeat (40) through (44) above while
adjusting A4R60 through A4R67 (fig. 5) for best intolerance indications.
10. Harmonic Distortion and Spurious Noise Test
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect equipment as shown in figure 3 except connect spectrum analyzer to
point A.
(2) Adjust synthesized signal generator frequency setting to 2.0 GHz.
(3) Adjust synthesized signal generator level controls for a +19 dBm indication on
TI POWER LEVEL dBm display.
(4) Measure and record second harmonic frequency amplitude in table 6.