TB 9-6625-2278-24
(c) PRESET key.
(5) Press ZERO key and wait approximately 15 to 17 seconds for display to
reappear and stabilize.
(6) Set range calibrator FUNCTION switch to CALIBRATE.
(7) Press TI keys as listed in (a) through (f) below:
(a) CAL ADJ key.
(b) key (SET A key location).
(c) 1 key.
(d) 0 key.
(e) 0 key.
(f) ENTER key.
The minus sign in (7) (b) above indicates the use of an external
reference source.
If NO REF error is displaced, repeat (7) above.
(8) Adjust A4R43 (fig. 3) for a maximum TI display indication (R).
(9) Set range calibration RANGE switch to and adjust A4R26 (fig. 3) for a TI
display indication between 9.99 and 10.01 mW (R).
(10) Set range calibrator RANGE switch to 100 mW and adjust A4R34 (fig. 3) for a
TI display indication between 99.9 and 100.1 mW (R).
(11) Repeat (9) and (10) above until both indications are within the limits specified.
(12) Press TI and range calibrator LINE switches to OFF position.
(13) Move cable connection from channel A power sensor input to channel B power
sensor input.
(14) Press TI controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) LINE switch to ON position.
(b) PRESET key.
(c) SENSOR B key.
(15) Set range calibrator switches as listed in (a) through (d) below:
LINE switch to ON position.
RANGE switch to 1 mW.
(16) Press ZERO key and wait approximately 15 to 17 seconds for display to
reappear and stabilize.
(17) Set range calibrator FUNCTION switch to CALIBRATE.