TB 9-6625-2278-24
Disregard sign of value measured in (5) below.
indicate within 0.05 V dc of value recorded in (4) above, perform b (l) below.
(6) Connect multimeter positive lead to A9TP4 (fig. 5).
indicate between 4.95 and 5.05 V dc, perform b (2) below.
(7) Press LINE switch to OFF position.
(8) Tighten screws that secure A3 CPU assembly.
(9) Replace TI top and bottom covers.
(10) Press LINE switch to ON position.
b. Adjustments
Disregard sign of value measured in (1) below.
(1) Adjust A9Rl6 (fig. 5) for a digital multimeter indication within 0.05 V dc of
value recorded in (4) above (R).
(2) Adjust A9R3 (fig. 5) for a digital multimeter indication between 4.95 and 5.05 V dc (R).