TB 9-6625-2278-24
Figure 4. Power reference level - equipment setup.
(7) Set power meter power pushbutton to ON position.
(8) Set TI LINE switch to ON position and POWER REF OSC switch to off (LED off).
Allow equipment and thermistor mount to warm-up for 30
minutes before proceeding to (9) below.
(9) Set power meter RANGE switch to COURSE ZERO and adjust front panel
COURSE ZERO control for a zero meter indication.
(10) Fine zero power meter on most sensitive range then set power meter RANGE
switch to 1 mW.
(11) Ensure multimeter input terminals are isolated from chassis ground for
(12) below.
(13) Connect multimeter positive lead to power meter Vcomp (fig. 4) and connect
multimeter negative lead to power meter VRF (fig. 4).
(14) If multimeter indication is 400 V or less, record multimeter indication and
proceed to (16) below; if not, proceed to (15) below.
(15) Hold power meter FINE ZERO CONTROL and adjust COURSE ZERO
control for a multimeter indication 200 V or less. Record multimeter indication.
(16) Round off indications recorded in (14) or (15) above to the nearest microvolts and
record this value as V0 .