TB 9-6625-335-24
Do not use cables between directional power sensor and TI
connection or TI and termination.
(8) Set signal generator output level to -20 dBm.
(9) Set signal generator output to ON and toggle the RF power amplifier out of
STBY (LED off).
(10) Monitor RF power meter while adjusting signal generator output level until TI
REV PWR reads 20.0 Watts.
TI will display a frequency reading before taking reading on RF
power meter.
(11) RF power meter will indicate between 16.0 and 24.0 Watts.
(12) Set signal generator output to OFF and toggle the RF power amplifier to STBY
(LED on).
(13) Disconnect equipment set-up.
b. Adjustments. No adjustment can be made.
10. Stimulus Mode Output Level Accuracy
a. Performance Check
The TI will use the last received frequency measurement as the
stimulus signal frequency from the RADIO connection. This
signal is FM modulated with a 150 Hz and 900 Hz dual-tone
signal. The signal bandwidth is approximately 7 kHz.