TB 11-6625-2713-50
b. Adjustments.
Adjust C25 (fig. 7) until crt indicates at least 4.25 divisions of
deflection (R).
Figure 7. Horizontal sweep, adjustments and test point locations.
18. Sweep Length
a. Performance Check
(1) Set TI controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) AUTO-TRIG SINGLE switch to AUTO.
(b) Horizontal mode switch to NORM.
(c) SOURCE switch to INT.
(2) Position trace to start of left vertical graticule line on crt. If sweep length is not
10.5 divisions, perform b below (R).
b. Adjustments. Adjust X1 GAIN CAL
A1A2R22 (fig. 7) for sweep length of
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect time-mark generator (A6) to TI CH1 INPUT, using cable (b4).